Add the question TO WHOM? TO WHAT? FOR WHOM? or FOR WHAT? to the verb. The answer is the indirect object.
1. I washed the car for my mother. WASHED FOR WHOM? The indirect object is .
2. We gave Linda the money. GAVE TO WHOM? The indirect object is .
3. Sell the car to your cousin. SELL TO WHOM? The indirect object is .
4. I will do it for you. FOR WHOM? The indirect object is .

Fill in the question (in English) and then identify the direct object (in Spanish).
5. Te doy el pan. The indirect object pronoun is which means 'to you'.
6. El muchacho le da un regalo a tu hermana. The indirect object pronoun is which means 'to her'.
7. Voy a comprarles un coche negro. The indirect object pronoun is which means 'for them'.
8. Carlos me prepara la cena. The indirect object pronoun is which means 'for me'.

QUESTION: How do I replace an INDIRECT OBJECT with a pronoun?

Use the chart above to translate the missing parts:
13. She sends him a telegram. Ella manda un telegrama.
14. The spider gave them an egg. La araña dio un huevo.
15. My grandmother gives us many kisses. Mi abuela da muchos besos.
16. Nobody made dinner for her. Nadie hizo la cena.
17. We brought the clothing for all of you. Nosotros trajimos la ropa a todos.
18. That man told me the truth. Aquel hombre dijo la verdad.

Did you notice where the pronoun is placed? That's right, if there is only one verb the pronoun goes right BEFORE the verb.
Nothing comes between the pronoun and the verb, not even the word 'no'.

19. My mother gives me clean shoes. Mi madre zapatos limpios.
20. They sell many books to her. Ellos muchos libros.
21. I never write letters to you. Nunca cartas.
22. Ramón always tells (cuenta) us a good joke. Ramón siempre un buen chiste.

More practice with INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS: 5 Question Quiz
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